Thursday, August 27, 2009

Seeking God

This week I really wanted to seek God. I'm so busy with kids that is really is hard to have devotional time/prayer time. I find myself doing things (blogs, computer time, shopping, junking etc) instead of really seeking God out. Today I got up with my kids, made coffee, put on worship music and did devotions with my boys before school. I want to show them too that a relationship with God is most important in my life. It was a good time. I then had my prayer and devotional time. I emailed my husband with an encouraging theme to seek God and gave him a verse. I want to share that verse with you.
Psalm 27:8
"My heart says of you, Seek his face! Your face, Lord, I will seek!"
I hope this little devotion will encourage you to seek God this week. Blessings to all of you!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

My new blog

This is the second blog that I'm starting. My first blog is about my life with decorating, junkin' and making things. I felt God really wanted me to start a blog to share daily/weekly devotionals with other believers. My hope is to reach other believers and encourage them in their walk with Jesus, and to share hope with those who may not believe. Check back real soon for my first devotional post. God Bless you!